Ladder 02
JMS Company custom fabricates mirror finish stainless steel telescoping and folding ladders for marine use in power, sail and boats.
Our ladders are superior or because JMS has improved the design of the internal dampening system. Our telescoping and folding ladders deploy deploy smoother and are easier to stow than our competitors. We stock all standard sizes of telescoping ladders available in 2 , 3 and 4 step size, our folding ladders are available in 3 , 4 and 5 steps.
SL ( Under Mount Ladder )
By combining the insight and engineering that has become one of JMS Company’s trademarks we recently introduced a new under mount telescoping ladder. This new design is well built, compact and mirror finished. The uniquely engineered locking mechanism holds the ladder in place eliminating that annoying “ rattle “ found in most under mount ladders. The LS is both easy to install and easy to use.
Available in 2 , 3 and 4 step models.
*Patent Pending
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